1. High quality classroom instruction
2. Standards Aligned Reading Units K-8
3. HMH Into Math
4. Institute of Excellence in Writing
5. Wilson Fundations
6. Balanced Literacy Framework
7. Staff development in best practices
1. Small group instruction (4-6 students)
2. 30 consecutive minutes in length
3. 5 days a week (every school day)
4. Focus on no more than 2 skills
5. Scientifically Research-Based Intervention Program.
6. Could be push-in or pull-out (push-in during Guided Reading must be supplement and supplant normal teacher-led small groups).
7. Progress monitored every 2 weeks
8. 8-12 weeks in duration
1. Individualized instruction (1-3 students)
2. 45-60 minutes in length (could be split 30/15)
3. 5 days a week (every school day)
4. Focus on one skill
5. Outside of the classroom
6. Progress monitored at least every 2 weeks
7. 12 weeks in duration. May be repeated.
The district will continue to provide a strong Tier I system of instruction for all students.
All students are benchmarked 3 times a year:
K-8 Renaissance Star Benchmark Assessment for Math and Reading
All at risk students will be assigned to Tier II interventions by the Principal with consultation of the Reading Coordinator, Interventionist, and Classroom Teacher (Data Day).
Tier II interventions will be Progress Monitored every 2-3 weeks. If progress is being made, the Interventionist, Classroom Teacher, and Principal can assign a different Tier II intervention.
At the end of one round of Tier II interventions (8-12 weeks), the Principal, Reading Coordinator, Interventionist, and Classroom Teacher may:
Re-assign the student to Tier II for a second round.
Release the student from Tier II based on Progress Monitoring results or the Benchmark Scores.
Request an MTSS form from Reading Coordinator via email and schedule an MTSS meeting if there is concern a Tier III is needed.
All initial meeting notes and ensuing meeting notes will be recorded on this MTSS form.
The MTSS team will meet and may recommend:
More Tier II interventions if progress is being made
Tier III interventions
During the MTSS meeting, the Principal can schedule a future meeting (4-8 weeks) to check in with the Classroom Teacher and Team as to what progress is being made.
If in Tier III:
Student may move back to Tier II
Student may continue in Tier III
Assign a different Tier III
Student is not responding in Tier III, student may be evaluated for a specific learning disability.