Remaining In-Person Registration Dates:
● July 27th 11:00am-7:00pm Liberty MPR
● Tuesdays during the summer at Shepard School
○ 7/5, 7/12, 7/19 from 9:00am-1:00pm
● Thursdays during the summer at Shepard School
○ 6/23, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21 from 9:00am-1:00pm
New BESD 53 Students:
● New Student Registration ***You must have a valid Driver’s License or State ID to register your student.
○ Proof of residency
■ Student Residency Form
○ Verify student information
○ Verify ethnicity/race
○ Verify transportation arrangements
○ Review forms, policies and handbook
○ Complete parent permission form
○ Sports Insurance Form (only 5-8)
○ Make a fee payment or sign a promissory note
Returning BESD53 Students:
● Skyward Family Access passwords were reset on June 9, 2022. If you do not receive this authentic user password or misplaced it, you will need to prove residency as part of the registration process for the 22-23 school year.
● School fees can be paid online or you can pay in-person during one of the In-Person Registration Dates.
○ Payment methods: credit card, debit card, check, or cash(must be exact)