Good luck to our BUGC Track and Field athletes as they compete at the state track meet! Go Tigers!
10 months ago, Andrew Burton
track athletes
Be sure to register for upcoming tryouts! Students who are interested in trying out need to have an up to date sports physical on file and be registered online. Register here: Questions/ Need Assistance: email: Go Tigers!
10 months ago, Andrew Burton
cheer tryout information
cross country tryout information
softball tryout information
BUGC baseball tryout information
Parents: We are excited to announce that BESD 53 is participating in Speak Up! This survey will help us answer questions, such as: • How are our students using technology for learning in and out of school? • How important is the use of technology to our teachers and parents? What types of technology do our teachers find of value and how are they using it in the classroom? • Do our ideas about technology align with our students’ parents? Taking the survey is easy! Plan to spend approximately 20 minutes. Survey Link: We look forward to BESD 53’s strong participation in Speak Up! Be sure to take the survey by May 24th, 2024. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
10 months ago, Kari Moulton
picture of a pencil, gears, and survey
Let's Taco'Bout our Amazing employees! We loved celebrating our employees with a walking taco bar for our April Appreciation Event. 🌮🌮
11 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Taco food
Dr. Ehrman dressed in poncho with maracas
taco party
Officer Garcia eating taco bar
Lunch lady playing maracas
Levasseur employee at taco bar
Lynn in poncho serving the taco bar
CO ladies serving taco bar
Bourbonnais Elementary is looking to hire custodians to join our amazing team! Don't delay, submit your online application today!
11 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Hiring custodian flyer
Bourbonnais Elementary is looking for educators and support staff to join our amazing team! Don't delay , submit your online application today!
11 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Hiring flyer
School Resource Officer Cox supporting April Autism Acceptance Month! Officer Cox, along with many other members of the Bourbonnais Police Department, are wearing a colorful puzzle Police patch on the back of their uniforms to raise awareness about autism acceptance and to promote inclusion and connectedness for people with autism. Social and community support can help people with autism reach their full potential.
11 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Office Cox Autism police badge
Officer Cox entering Central Office
Autism Awareness logo
Officer Cox getting into patrol car
Last night BESD53 held our "Kindergarten Roundup"! We had Kindergarten teachers from every building meet the incoming students and did a quick screener to help ensure the best placement for them. Information was also handed out on kindergarten readiness, and a fun photo op for our future BESD53 Tigers! Thank you to all who came and the staff who helped make this a success!
11 months ago, Caitlin Smith
image with future students and different cacti clipart.
We can't wait to see our upcoming Kindergarten Friends in just a few hours for our Kindergarten Roundup. If you didn't RSVP, there is still time at
11 months ago, Kari Moulton
Kindergarten Roundup flyer
Spanish Version
Bourbonnais Elementary is looking for educators to join our amazing team! Don't delay, submit your online application today!
11 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Hiring TA"s  flyer
Kindergarten Roundup is this Wednesday! Sign up today to attend. Who: All incoming BESD53 Kindergarteners (must be 5 on or before September 1st, 2024) Where: Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center 200 W. John Casey Rd. When: April 17th, 2024 4:00-6:00 pm Please visit our website to sign up for a screening time to ensure the best placement for your child in our district! Please RSVP at We look forward to meeting all of our new Kindergarteners!
11 months ago, Caitlin Smith
Kindergarten Round up Flyer - English
Kindergarten Round up flyer- Spanish
Kindergarten Roundup is less than a week away! Sign up today to attend. Who: All incoming BESD53 Kindergarteners (must be 5 on or before September 1st, 2024) Where: Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center 200 W. John Casey Rd. When: April 17th, 2024 4:00-6:00 pm Please visit our website to sign up for a screening time to ensure the best placement for your child in our district! Please RSVP at We look forward to meeting all of our new Kindergarteners!
11 months ago, Kari Moulton
Flyer about Kindergarten roundup for incoming kindergarteners
Bourbonnais Elementary is looking for educators to join our amazing team! Don't delay, submit your online application today!
11 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Hiring teacher flyer
Any way you SLICE it, our Staff and Mancino's Pizza are AMAZING! Huge shoutout to Mancino's for their delicious pizza and on time delivery of over 100 Pizza's! Pizza was Hot, Fresh, On Time and Delicious. If you've only had a Grinder, you have got to try their Pizza!🍕
11 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Mancinos and Dr. Ehrman delering pizza
Dr. Ehrman and staff with pizza
Teachers and a pizza enjoying lunch
District office dressed up serving pizza
DR. Ehrman dressed up like a pizza maker
Just a reminder: The Kindergarten Roundup for 2024-25 students is just two weeks away. Sign up today to attend. Who: All incoming BESD53 Kindergarteners (must be 5 on or before September 1st, 2024) Where: Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center 200 W. John Casey Rd. When: April 17th, 2024 4:00-6:00 pm Please visit our website to sign up for a screening time to ensure the best placement for your child in our district! Please RSVP at We look forward to meeting all of our new Kindergarteners!
11 months ago, Kari Moulton
kindergarten roundup flyer for incoming 24-25 kindergarten students
Spring break yoga and art for kids! Our Art Teacher at Liberty Intermediate, Chelsea Heikes, is offering some programs for kids over the break at Limber Mind & Body Wellness. Kids Spring Break Superhero Yoga & Art Tuesday, March 26, 2024 10:00 AM 11:30 AM $25 per session
12 months ago, James Duggan
Enjoy your weekend and have a Happy St. Patrick's Day on Sunday!
12 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
St. Patrick's Day sign
mini tree decorated with green shamrocks
The Kankaee Area YMCA and Rise and Thrive Wellness are partnering to offer an Art Therapy/Positive Discipline Parent/Child learning series. See the flyer for details.
about 1 year ago, James Duggan
Please join BESD53 for our 2024-25 Kindergarten Roundup! Who: All incoming BESD53 Kindergarteners (must be 5 on or before September 1st, 2024) Where: Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center 200 W. John Casey Rd. When: April 17th, 2024 4:00-6:00 pm Please visit our website to sign up for a screening time to ensure the best placement for your child in our district! Please RSVP at We look forward to meeting all of our new Kindergarteners!
about 1 year ago, BESD53 District Office
Kindergarten Roundup Flyer
THANK YOU Bourbonnais Elementary PTA! Our PTA donated $21,000.00 for our Teacher Grants this year. We appreciate everyone's support and generous contributions so that we can enrich the education process in meaningful ways to help our students succeed! *Pictured below Jayne Raef-School Board President/Craig Toepfer-PTA President
about 1 year ago, Marelyn Jenco
Board President Jayne Raef receiving check from PTA President Craig Toepfer