Parents/Guardians of Kindergarten Students,
In compliance with Illinois Department of Public Health and State of Illinois school code (105 ILC5/27-8.1), all students entering Kindergarten are required to have the following health requirements on file at the school office:
DTP/DtaP (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) - 4 or more doses with the last dose received on or after 4th birthday
Polio (IPV and/or OPV) - 4 or more doses with the last dose received on or after the 4th birthday
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) - 2 doses at least 1 month apart
Varicella (chicken pox vaccine) - 2 dose or documentation of chicken pox by physician
Please contact your health care provider for physicals and immunizations and/or the Kankakee County Health Department for immunizations at (815) 802-9400. The health information is required to be on file in the Nurse's Office no later than October 15th. Per the State of Illinois guidelines, we will no longer be accepting appointment cards. The health information is required by October 15th to avoid exclusion.
We are unable to obtain information from your doctor's office or the health department regarding immunization dates and/or completed physicals.
Other Kindergarten Health Requirements:
1. Dental examination done within 18 months of the May 15th deadline or appointment card needs to be turned into the school office. Forms available at the dentist office, from the school nurse, or Click Here to download.
2. Vision examination is required to be completed and turned into the school by October 15th. Forms available at the optometrist's office, from the school nurse, or Click Here to download.
If you have any questions, please contact Terri, Shabbona’s School Nurse, at 815-929-4705. The health information may be faxed to the Nurse at (815) 839-8074.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Shabbona School