Mr. Outsen's picture with tiger logos and email update.  Also his phone number

Good Afternoon Upper Grade Center Families!  We wanted to take a second to share some information with you in regards to what is happening at the Upper Grade Center.

Cell Phone Update

  • We wanted to take a second to say thank you for your support with our cell phone initiative at BUGC.  We can say without a doubt that this move has changed the culture of our building and we are noticing students interacting in ways in which we have not seen in years! 
  • We also wanted to take a second and acknowledge that the success we have had would not have been possible without your support.  
  • We are still occasionally seeing things come into our school as a result of social media, so we did want to pass along a reminder that you can never check on your child's social media activity and/or accounts enough!  

BUGC Homework Help

  • This is just a reminder that BUGC offers homework help on Mondays, Tuesday, and Thursdays from 3PM to 4PM.  
  • During this time, students will be with a classroom teacher where they can utilize this time to catch up on any work they have or have any questions they have on their assignments answered. 
  • There is no bussing for Homework Help.  Students must have a ride.

5Essentials Survey

  • We are asking that you help us out at BUGC by taking the 5essentials survey.  The 5Essentials survey is designed to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your child’s school.  As a parent, this opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness in a survey about your child’s school.  Your participation in this survey will help us understand the condition at your child’s school and guide improvement.  Your identity and survey responses will be kept completely confidential and will never be connected to you or your child.  

8th Grade Cap & Gown Pictures

  • 8th Grade Parents - Cap & Gown pictures will be on Tuesday, March 28th.  The picture order form is attached and can be turned in to our office if you are purchasing them.
  • If your child is getting a picture, they will use one of our cap and gowns that we have already at school due to the fact that your child’s specific cap/gown will not have arrived yet.
  • A packet is attached to this email and there are extra packets in the office if you need one. 

    Drop-Off Procedures

    • We are starting to notice an uptick in vehicles inside the circle drive while buses are present in the Morning during drop-off. 
    • This is just a reminder that no vehicles are permitted in the circle drive during arrival and dismissal times.    These times are  between 7:30 - 8:15 and 2:30 - 3:15  This is for the safety of our students.  

    After School Pick-Up Reminder

    • If you are picking up your child at BUGC after school, please use the lot at our central office, just west of the school.  
    • Please do not use the parking lots at KinderCare or the Bourbonnais Public Library as those lots are reserved for their patrons.

    IAR Testing

    • BUGC will be taking the State IAR test during the week of April 10th.  More information will be shared out as we get closer.  

    Future Dates & Deadlines

    • Friday, March 17th is the end of 3rd Quarter.  BUGC will dismiss on that day at 1:10.  3rd Quarter Report Cards will go home on Friday, March 31st.
    • Spring Break goes from Monday, March 20th through Friday, March 24th.  There will be no school.
    • Wednesday, April 5th is an early release.   BUGC will dismiss at 11:10 that day.
    • There is no school on Friday, April 7th and Monday, April 10th for the Easter Holiday.

    Thank you for all that you do.  If you have any questions, please call our office at 815.929.5200