BUGC Lunch Menu for 3/10-3/14
Menus can be found by visiting www.linqconnect.com, clicking School Services and then School Menus, where you are brought to a simple search to find your school name.

ATTN 8th Grade Families!
Empire Photography will be at BUGC on Tuesday, March 18th to take 8th Grade Promotion pictures. If you are interested in purchasing photos, please refer to the flyer for more details.
Please note that purchasing photos is optional, and students will only take pictures if you choose to buy them.
Please call our office with any questions you have.

BBCHS Freshman Showcase is Wednesday, March 5th, for current 8th grade students who are interested in attending BBCHS next year. This will be a night where they can learn about all of the sports, clubs, and activities that BBCHS has to offer.

BUGC Lunch Menu for 3/3-3/7
Menus can be found by visiting www.linqconnect.com, clicking School Services and then School Menus, where you are brought to a simple search to find your school name.

Last Thursday, the B53 Jazz Band went to Prairie State College in Chicago Heights to participate in their annual Jazz Festival. The band performed for a panel of professional jazz musicians who gave them feedback afterwards. The guest artists taught the kids how to properly listen, how to project their sound, and how important it is to have fun when they play. The students learned a lot and had fun, too!

BUGC Yearbooks are on sale!

BUGC Lunch Menu 2/24-2/28. Menus can be found by visiting www.linqconnect.com, clicking School Services and then School Menus, where you are brought to a simple search to find your school name.

BUGC Best Buddies spent this Valentine's Day showing their love and friendship by decorating cookies! What better way to celebrate the holiday than by eating a little bit of sugar and sprinkles!

We wanted to make you aware that Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center experienced an electrical event this morning, resulting in a complete loss of power. The utility provider has indicated that repairs could take approximately four hours from now.
Unfortunately, due to the lack of power and the time required for repairs, we will need to cancel school today, THURSDAY, February 13 for Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center.
We understand this is an inconvenience and appreciate your understanding as we prioritize safety and a proper learning environment.
Thank you for your flexibility, and we will keep you updated if there are any additional developments.

BUGC Lunch Menu for 2/17-2/21
Menus can be found by visiting www.linqconnect.com, clicking School Services and then School Menus, where you are brought to a simple search to find your school name.

Dear Bourbonnais Elementary School District Families,
Due to the winter storm forecasted to impact our area, we will be implementing a Schedule A – Early Dismissal for tomorrow, Wednesday, February 12, 2025, to prioritize the safety of our students and staff. While we cannot predict the weather with certainty, the current forecast provides enough data to warrant precautionary measures, and we appreciate your cooperation and patience.
Schedule A - 3 Hour Release:
Liberty: 7:30 AM – 10:30 AM
BUGC: 8:05 AM – 11:10 AM
Shabbona: 8:10 AM – 11:10 AM
LeVasseur/Shepard: 8:45 AM – 11:45 AM
No AM or PM Pre-K
Community Services (Speech,OT/PT, etc.): Appointments in the afternoon will be rescheduled
We understand that this may be a disruption to family schedules, but we hope that providing this information early allows for necessary preparations to be made.
At this time, we anticipate that school will be in regular session on Thursday, February 13, 2025. As a reminder, we only send out communications if there is a change to the normal school schedule. Since we currently expect a regular school day on Thursday, no additional communication will be sent unless adjustments are necessary.
We will assess road conditions after the storm, and if any changes to the schedule are needed, we will notify families as soon as possible.
Please stay safe, use caution while traveling, and thank you for your understanding and support.
Dr. Adam Ehrman

Dear Bourbonnais Elementary School District Families,
Due to hazardous icy conditions affecting roadways and sidewalks, we have decided on a two (2) hour delayed start for schools today, Thursday, February 6, 2025, to ensure the safety of our students and staff. **No Half Day Pre-K**
Information regarding school activities and events will be communicated by our athletic director and/or coaches at a later time.
Please stay safe and use caution while traveling.
Thank you for your understanding and support.

Come join our team!

Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center acknowledges excellence in all we do. Students are expected to be in class and on time, every day. 7th Grade students who met the school-wide behavior expectation for January enjoyed an extra recess period on Monday, 2/3/2025.

BUGC Lunch Menu for 2/10-2/14
Menus can be found by visiting www.linqconnect.com, clicking School Services and then School Menus, where you are brought to a simple search to find your school name.

Bourbonnais PTA Dance. Let's Glow Dancing - Friday, February 21 - 6-8 p.m.

BUGC Lunch Menu for 2/3-2/7
Menus can be found by visiting www.linqconnect.com, clicking School Services and then School Menus, where you are brought to a simple search to find your school name.

On Friday, February 7th, BUGC will be hosting an after school dance presented by the BUGC Student Council.
The dance will go from 5PM - 7PM and will cost $5 at the door for entry. Students must have their current, school issued ID to enter the dance. There will be no exceptions to this policy. If they have no current, school issued ID, they will not be allowed into the dance. Students have been told that if they do not have their ID, they need to speak with the secretaries in the office for a replacement.
Students need to be picked up promptly at 7PM otherwise they might not be allowed to attend any future, after school events.
Thank you! We look forward to an evening of fun for our students!

Dear Bourbonnais Elementary School Families,
Due to dangerously low temperatures expected during the morning hours on Tuesday, January 21st, we have made the decision to close schools to ensure the safety of our students and staff. Information regarding school activities and events will be communicated by our athletic director and/or coaches at a later time.
Please stay safe and warm.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Sincerely, Dr. Adam Ehrman Superintendent