BUGC 8th Grade Promotion Information

Good Afternoon 8th Grade Families!

We just wanted to take a second and give you a few updates about 8th Grade Promotion.

Promotion will be at Centennial Chapel located at ONU on Wednesday, May 28th starting at 7PM.  Centennial Chapel has plenty of seating, so there will be no need for tickets to be issued for Promotion.  

Lastly, all gown orders and name changes will be due by Monday, January 13th.  In November, letters and envelopes were mailed home with this information as well as an envelope that you can use to send in your payment for the gown.  Your child's name that will be printed on their certificate will be the name that is currently listed in Skyward.  If you want your child's name printed differently, please send an email to outsenj@besd53.org with your request.  The request must be in writing and be submitted by Monday, January 13th.  

Thank you for all that you do!  Please call our office at 815.929.5200 with any questions that you have.