BESD Families, For safety precautions, BESD53 will utilize an E-Learning day on Thursday, February 17th. With the continued threat and timing of the winter storm warning, all schools will be closed tomorrow but students will continue their learning at home in accordance with our District E-Learning Plan. Again, BESD53 will utilize an E-Learning day tomorrow, February 17th. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Director of Technology
Don't forget soccer and track are starting soon! Follow the link below to register: All students must be registered on 8to18 and have an up to date physical to try out. If you have any questions, you can email the Athletic Director
about 3 years ago, Andrew Burton
Soccer information
Track information
Congratulations to our 8th Grade Volleyball team on winning the 2022 Annual Kankakee Junior High School Volleyball Tournament! Go Tigers!
about 3 years ago, Andrew Burton
1st Place
BUGC Lunch Menu 2/14-2/18
about 3 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
BUGC Lunch Menu 2/14-2/18
Track Try Out Information
about 3 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
Track Try Out Information
Dear BESD #53 Families and Staff, We are aware that there have been recent court cases and verdicts regarding face masking, exclusions, and other related topics. These verdicts have clearly impacted about 145 School Districts across the state in the past 48 hours. BESD #53 was not listed in these cases. BESD #53 already had a scheduled Special Board Meeting for Tuesday at 7:00 pm for possible School Board Action on Masking. Many of the concerns presented in the new rulings will be considered on Tuesday night by the Board of Education. Sincerely, Dr. Adam Ehrman Superintendent, Bourbonnais Elementary School District #53
about 3 years ago, Director of Technology
8th GRADE STUDENTS & PARENTS Jostens will be here February 7th to measure for Cap and Gowns. Please have a check or money order ready for $36. THANKS!
about 3 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
Promotion Cap and Gown
Be sure to register for the BUGC Co-Ed soccer team! Be sure to register on 8to18 and have an up to date physical prior to February 25 to try out. If you have any questions, email
about 3 years ago, Andrew Burton
Soccer Try out information
BUGC Lunch Menu February 7-11
about 3 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
BUGC Lunch Menu February 7-11
The Special Board Meeting that was scheduled for tonight, February 3rd at 7:00 pm, has been cancelled.
about 3 years ago, Director of Technology
Dear BESD #53 Families, Due to the inclement weather tomorrow, February 3rd, there will be a “Snow Day” for students so no school and enjoy the snow!
about 3 years ago, Director of Technology
Due to the inclement weather, Bourbonnais Elementary School District #53 will be closed tomorrow February 3rd. We will be utilizing a Snow Day which will be made up at the end of the year.
about 3 years ago, Director of Technology
Due to the inclement weather, Bourbonnais Elementary School District #53 will not be in normal attendance tomorrow February 2nd. Instead we will be utilizing an E-Learning/Learn from Anywhere day.
about 3 years ago, Director of Technology
BUGC Lunch Menu 1/31-2/4
about 3 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
BUGC Lunch Menu 1/31-2/4
If you are interested in track and field this upcoming Spring, be sure to get registered on 8to18 and have an up to date physical!
about 3 years ago, Andrew Burton
track information
BUGC parents please check your emails later today about Erin's Law Presentations that will take place on Thursday January 27th. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
BUGC Lunch Menu 1/24-1/28
about 3 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
BUGC Lunch Menu 1/24-1/28
Liberty students celebrated meeting their school wide goal for organization! The Tiger Leadership Team organized multiple teachers versus students challenges. Although the students put forth a hard fought effort, the teachers remain unbeaten on the year. For quarter three, Liberty students have a homework and respect goal. Great job Liberty, keep up the good work!
about 3 years ago, Andrew Burton
TLT students
Teachers competing in a variety of challenges
Students competing in a variety of challenges
Students competing in a variety of challenges
It’s time to order your yearbook! $30 On sale NOW through February 25! ENVELOPE ORDERS Fill out information on the envelope that was sent home. Make checks payable to Image Group Photography Turn in envelope and payment to BUGC’s office ONLINE ORDERS Visit Access Code: BUGC2022 Available until 2/25/22 at midnight If online order is placed, there’s no need to return an envelope.
about 3 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
BUGC Yearbook Order Form 2022
BUGC Lunch Menu 1/17-1/21
about 3 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
BUGC Lunch Menu 1/17-1/21