7th/8th Grade Boys Basketball at BUGC has been cancelled tonight due to a logistic reason. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The Boys Basketball Game against Hickory Creek is being moved to Liberty Intermediate. Sorry for the inconvenience.
No BUGC students will be allowed at Liberty Intermediate tonight. Entry will be for family only.

The Boys Basketball Game against Hickory Creek is being moved to Liberty Intermediate. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for supporting our book fair! Today is the last day to purchase books with the ONLINE option. Here is the link to our homepage:

BUGC Lunch Menu 11/8-11/12

BUGC Lunch Menu 11/1 - 11/5

BUGC’s ONLINE Bookfair is now live and continues thru Thursday, November 4th. Here is the link to our Scholastic homepage to start shopping. Thank you for supporting reading for our students.

TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT! Come join the fun!

Friday, October 29th is the last day of BUGC’s Bookfair! The ONLINE portion will end next Thursday, November 4th. Here is the link to our homepage to start shopping. Thank you!


This week is Red Ribbon Week at BUGC!!! This year's theme, "Drug Free Looks Like Me", "is a reminder everyday Americans across the country make significant daily contributions to their communities by being the best they can be because they live Drug-Free!"
Tomorrow is wear crazy hair, socks and inside out clothes because from head to toe, inside out, we're drug free!
Dress code applies!

BUGC Revised Lunch Menu for 10/25-10/29

Don't forget!!!!!
BUGC’s book fair will be here Friday, October 22nd thru Friday, October 29th. Check out our homepage to set up an eWallet for your student: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/bourbonnaisuppergrctr1

WHOLE CHICKENS, large bags of RICE, large boxes of FRESH PRODUCE, etc., will be given away at our next Still I Rise: Community Food Giveaway in collaboration with Top Box Foods! The event takes place on Saturday, October 23rd, 2021 at the Kankakee Farmers' Market grounds (250 South Schuyler Avenue - on the corner of South Schuyler and Station Street) starting at 1:00pm. We also thank the American Diabetes Association and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois for making this possible. By SHARING this flyer YOU will help many families and those who are in need. #StilliRise

BUGC Picture Packets will be sent home today (10/19) or tomorrow (10/20). If you are planning on retakes, please bring your packet back on Wednesday, October 27, 2021. Pictures are first thing in the morning.

BUGC’s book fair will be here Friday, October 22nd thru Friday, October 29th. Check out our homepage to set up an eWallet for your student: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/bourbonnaisuppergrctr1

Fine Arts Fright Night!

Support BESD 53 Band/Orchestra/Choir by ordering at Panera on
Monday, October 25th, 4-8 pm!

BUGC Lunch Menu 10/11-10/15

BUGC Spirit wear is available until October 8! Make sure you order your spirit wear before it's too late!!!!