BESD#53 Families and Community, There will be a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education on Tuesday, April 27th at 7:00 PM. You will notice that we have made some changes with our virtual meeting setup. To watch the Board Meeting, there is now a button on the www.besd53.org homepage labeled "Board Meeting Live Feed." This will connect you to watch the Board Meeting via YouTube. This is a view only stream. If you'd like to address the Board, we are asking you to come to the Board Meeting at the District Office (281 W. John Casey Rd.). We ask that you be present at the beginning of the meeting for the public comment portion of the agenda. At that time, you would then present your short statement and leave the meeting directly afterward as we are still restricted with the number of individuals allowed in the room. You may then watch the remainder of the meeting on the live stream. We look forward to the day when we can be back to a normal board meeting setup, but we are encouraged to be moving forward to this step for public comments. Thank you!

BUGC Remote Meals for April 20-26

Message from Nurse Monica
I would like to offer the school hearing and vision screenings to BUGC remote students who may benefit. If you want to opt for this screening please call (815) 929-5085 to set up an appointment.
Thank you.

Don't forget....Spring Portraits are Friday, April 16, 2021. Please fill out the response form and turn it in to your student's teacher or the office BEFORE picture day.

An upcoming and exciting series of events from the City of Kankakee and Kankakee United. This week is Youth Violence Prevention Week The City of Kankakee and Kankakee United has put together a 3 day experience that is catered to addressing the prevention of violence within the youth community’s in our area. Kankakee United has brought together community partners to put on a three day informative and interactive in person and online series for students to partake in. During the week, community partners are set to join Kankakee United and the Illinois Coalition for Community Services to present three days of fun and interactive experiences to raise awareness, promote healing, and share information regarding healthy ways to cope with triggers that can lead to violence within the youth. For registering for the events students will be automatically entered into a drawing to receive giveaways and some special prizes form local organizations within our community. digital flyers attached for more information on the events and links to register.
Wednesday, April 14th from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Let’s Talk: Breaking the Silence on Self-love presented by Project Sun Kankakee. Register for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/145303405397.
Thursday and Friday night activities will be in-person at the Youth for Christ City Life Center in Kankakee located at 1820 E. Court Street. To register for these events, visit https://citykankakee-il.gov/youth-violence-prevention-week.php.
Thursday, April 15th from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
The Impact of Anti-bullying presented by Riverside Behavioral Medicine’s Business Development Liaison, Brittany Ringo.
Thursday, April 15th from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Let’s Talk: Conflict and Resolution presented by Motivational Speaker and Founder of the “Shake the Fear” Initiative, Kent Wade.
Friday, April 16th from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Effective Communication presented by Director of the Youth for Christ City Life Center and Kankakee United Leadership Team Member, Aaron Clark.
Friday, April 16th from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Live to Laugh Another Day presented by Comedian and Actor, Todd Thomas.
A special appearance by Todd Thomas, who is also a Kankakee native, will wrap up the week on Friday night.

BESD#53 is looking for bus drivers, custodians, and seasonal groundsworkers. To apply, please click here:

Elyssa's Mission is the organization that we partner with in order to help our students understand Mental Health. The following is important information for parents to keep in mind.

Hello, BUGC Parents!! The mobile dentist is coming to BUGC on Friday, May 14. The packets went home with your students today Friday, April 9. Packets are due back to their teacher or the front office by Friday, April 23 to participate. This is open to remote students as well. If you'd prefer to register them online, you can visit: www.MySchoolDentist.com You will get a confirmation email from them.
Thank you and have a Fabulous Friday!
Nurse Kidd

Spring Portraits ~ Friday, April 16, 2021.
Please fill out the response form and turn it in to your student's teacher BEFORE picture day.

BUGC REMINDER: School will be in session tomorrow, April 5th.

BUGC Revised April Lunch Menu

March 24 : Pop-Up Food Giveaway Flyer sponsored by Choices Youth Outreach International & Duane Dean’s Living Room Program.

BUGC Schedule as of 3/23/2021

BESD#53 Families and Community,
There will be a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education on Tuesday, March 23rd at 7:00 PM. You will notice that we have made some changes with our virtual meeting setup. To watch the Board Meeting, there is now a button on the www.besd53.org homepage labeled "Board Meeting Live Feed." This will connect you to watch the Board Meeting via YouTube. This is a view only stream.
If you'd like to address the Board, we are asking you to come to the Board Meeting at the District Office (281 W. John Casey Rd.). We ask that you be present at the beginning of the meeting for the public comment portion of the agenda. At that time, you would then present your short statement and leave the meeting directly afterward as we are still restricted with the number of individuals allowed in the room. You may then watch the remainder of the meeting on the live stream.
We look forward to the day when we can be back to a normal board meeting setup, but we are encouraged to be moving forward to this step for public comments. Thank you!

Here is the correct link to the survey:

All afternoon learning sessions are cancelled for Friday, March 19th. Teachers need that time to prepare 3rd quarter grades.

Intramural Soccer Information
All 7th and 8th grade girls and boys are invited to join BUGC Intramural Soccer. Due to COVID we will not be playing against other local teams but we will do intrasquad scrimmages. The season will run April 7th through May 7th and practices will be daily 3:30-4:45 on the soccer field inside the track at BUGC. Players will need to have an up to date physical on file and a signed COVID waiver before they can participate. Please register HERE if you plan to participate. If you have any questions please email Coach Gremar at gremark@besd53.org
LINK TO REGISTER: https://besd.8to18.com/

The Link to the survey has been adjusted. It is working now.

Please click the link below for a video with details about Full Days at BUGC.