Today’s track meet at Dwight Middle School has been cancelled.

Kindergarten and New Student Registration
Registration for kindergarteners and new students for the 2018-2019 school year will be held May 15th from 2:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. at BESD 53 Administrative Offices, 281 W. John Casey Road. If you have a child or know of a child who will be attending kindergarten, or a student who will be new to the school district next year, the child needs to be registered in order to be placed in a class.
In order to register your child, you will need to have a valid, state-issued picture I.D., your child’s county-issued birth certificate, and proofs of residency. To prove residency you MUST have HARD COPIES of at least one of the following:
· Most recent tax bill
· Mortgage bill or closing papers
· Lease papers with proof of current payment AND You must also have two other recent documents showing your correct address. This can include:
· Current utility bill
· Vehicle registration
· Driver’s license
· Public Aid card
If you have questions, please call 815-929-5100

2018 Illinois Youth Survey
The Illinois Department of Human Services and the IKAN Regional Office of Education are requesting that our 8th grade students take a statewide anonymous survey to better understand youth attitudes and behaviors that can impact student problems and academic success. This survey asks about topics of nutrition, physical activity, bullying, tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use. Students will be asked to complete the survey with no names or identification. The survey will be confidentially administered on March 9th during 8th period. The survey is voluntary and privacy will be strictly protected. Parents can contact BUGC to have your child opt-out if you do not want them to take the survey. 815-929-5200

Starting at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday December 6th, network and phone services at BUGC will be unavailable due to a network upgrade. Service should be returned by Wednesday evening.

This month in Science Club at BUGC, students created Scribble Bots! Students spent a bit of time learning about electric motors and then they had the opportunity to use them. Students hooked the motors up to batteries and went to work. Students were quite innovative in how they were able to get their bots to move. Some students even put their bots head to head in a Battle of the Scribble Bots!
Science Club at BUGC was made available to 7th and 8th grade students. It meets once a month and is sponsored by Mrs. Lanoue and Mrs. Soucy.

BBCHS will be hosting an Eighth Grade Informational Night on Monday, December 18th at 6:00 PM in the auditorium. The purpose of this meeting is to share information about registration, course selection for 9th grade students, and other important information about your child’s first year at BBCHS.