Today, BUGC students lined the halls to send off our state-bound cross country athletes in style!! Good luck this weekend!!

BUGC Mrs. Eastman’s 8th grade language arts classes were pumped to visit the Bourbonnais Public Library today! They got a tour of the library and went on a scavenger hunt to familiarize themselves with all of the wonderful services that are offered. Ms. Stacey, the teen director, was a great host!

BUGC: Mrs. Ponton and Mr. Hoskins’s Life Skills classes took a trip to Perry Farm today! They played at the park, looked at the farm displays, and stopped by to visit the 2nd place winning BESD53 Haunted School Bus Scarecrow! Such a fun day for all!

BUGC 7th grade math classes brewed up their knowledge in scaling, percent's, ratios, and unit rates to solve real-world problems during a coffee theme day! Their dedicated baristas, Mrs. Mosier and Mrs. Carlton, received a 5 star review!

BUGC Lunch Menu 10/17-10/21

BUGC’s book fair will be here Monday, October 21st thru Friday, October 28th. Check out our homepage to set up an eWallet for your student: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/bourbonnaisuppergrctr

Picture Packets have arrived. They will be going home on 10/12. Picture Retakes will be November 2. (First thing in the morning) If you are taking retakes have your student return the full packet of pictures to the Image Group station when getting the retakes. Attached is the pricing if your student did not get a picture taken on Picture Day.

Fine Arts Fright Night!

BUGC Lunch Menu 10/10-10/14

BUGC is looking for an 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach. Those interested should apply online or email burtonar@besd53.org with any questions.

September is Suicide Awareness Month. If you ever have any questions or need resources for your child/teen please reach out to the schools. Here is a Myth or Fact Sheet:

BUGC Lunch Menu 10/3-10/7

Domino's Fundraiser for Bourbonnais PTA

September is National Suicide Awareness Month, a time to educate and re-educate ourselves on what we ALL can do to help keep our youth safe.
An important first step is familiarizing ourselves with the warning signs. Some early signs of depression that indicate someone may need help include:
Changes in mood—feelings of sadness and/or irritability
Losing interest in activities
Feelings of worthlessness
Warning signs of suicide that warrant imminent action (i.e., calling 911 and/or taking the individual to the nearest behavioral health hospital to receive a free level-of-care assessment) include:
Talking or writing about suicide or death (indirect as well as direct statements)
Isolating oneself from everyone and everything in one's life
Giving away prized possessions
Please visit our website to learn more about the warning signs as well as available resources if a youth in your life is in danger: elyssasmission.org

BUGC Lunch Menu 9/26-9/30

BUGC parents: An email will be sent discussing the Signs of Suicide program which will be presented to 7th graders on Tuesday September 27th and 8th graders on Thursday September 29th. The SOS program is brought to us by Elyssa's Mission, a nonprofit organization dedicated to Suicide prevention. To get more information on Suicide prevention, visit their website www.elyssasmission.org. Make sure to visit their online Parent Presentation at https://elyssasmission.org/for-parents/ for specific information on warning signs and how to keep your child safe. We also encourage you to visit www.sossignsofsuicide.org/parent for information on warning signs for youth Suicide, useful resources, and some of
the key messages students will learn.

BUGC Lunch Menu 9/19-9/23

BUGC 8th Grade Band Night!

Bourbonnais PTA Back to School Bash!

BUGC Pictures are Monday, September 12!