BUGC boys' took third as a team. BUGC girls' took fourth. Individual awards: Ethan PIper was sectional champion with a personal best time. James Sowder took seventh with a personal best time. Maddie Mellin took third overall. All three earned medals. Many of the BUGC sectional runners also had personal.best times.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
BUGC Breakfast, Lunch & Remote Meal Menus 10/19-10/23
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
BUGC Breakfast Menu 10-19_10-23
BUGC Lunch  Menu 10-19_10-23
BUGC Remote Menu 10-19_10-23
BUGC:Tuesday, Oct. 13th students M-Z will in person learners.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
BUGC art teacher, Mrs. Bilyard, is helping our students and staff stay positive with art projects that include the whole building!! https://5il.co/ly2o
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
BUGC Menus 10/12-10/19
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
BUGC Breakfast Menu 10-12_10-16
BUGC Lunch Menu 10-12_10-16
BUGC Remote Menu 10-12_10-16
BUGC REMINDER: Tomorrow, Friday, October 9th is A-L in person learning day. There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, October 12. Tuesday, October 13th will be a M-Z in-person day. Have a great weekend!
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
BUGC November Daily Calendar
BUGC December Daily Calendar
Keeping you informed: https://youtu.be/cQoA_8KONVY
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
Hands On Science...and Technology from Soucy's 7th Grade Science Class. We looked at the evolving Science of prosthetics. Then, the students made their own model to analyze to meet the Engineering and Technology standard they have been working on the last two weeks.
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
Hands on Science-1
Hands on Science-2
Hands on Science-3
Hands on Science-2
REMINDER: There is no school on Wednesday, Oct. 7th. That means no in-person learning or remote learning.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
BUGC students learning how to hit the Bullseye!!!
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
BLUE RIBBON PE PROGRAM: We are so proud of Mr. Arlis, Mr. Dersien and Ms. Gamble for their hard work to make sure our PE program is recognized by the state as one of the finest!! Our students are blessed to have them.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
BOOK FAIR (Online Only) SAVE THE DATE! October 23- November 5, 2020 https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/bourbonnaisuppergrctr1
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
Book Fair Flyer
FYI for Parents
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
Project Sun Parent Cafe Flyer
BUGC Menus for 10/5-10/9 (Breakfast, Lunch & Remote)
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
Lunch Menu for 10/5-10/9
Lunch Menu for 10/5-10/9
Remote Menu for 10/5-10/9
We will be taking orders for BUGC Apparel now through Friday, October 11th, with pick up or shipping on Monday, October 19th. https://designcenter.premiumspecialties.com/bugcgoldrush/shop/home
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
Here is the BUGC October Calendar.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
Revised Lunch Menu 9/28-10/2
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
Revised Lunch Menu 9/28-10/2
Your BUGC Tigers are Regional Champs for the 2020 Baseball season!! Congrats!!
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
We are aware that students are having password issues and unable to log in this afternoon. Please be patient as we address this concern. Students will not be marked absent this afternoon.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
There will be no “live” afternoon learning session today, Sept. 23rd. Students will have assignments to complete but they are not required to log in this afternoon.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley