On the afternoon Wed. Sept. 23rd, there will be no “live” afternoon learning sessions. All students will have an assignment to complete but will NOT be required to log into zoom on that afternoon.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
BUGC students studying landscape artist, Grant Wood. A great lesson for them to be outside and use the artist benches.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
Art 3
8th grade Team Black language arts teachers, Mrs. Flowers and Mrs. Eastman, teamed up with history teacher Mr. Outsen to demonstrate to students what a level 4 book talk looks like. Mr. Outsent presented the book The President and the Assassin by Scott Miller and earned 4s across the board! Well done, Mr. Outsen!
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
Outsen, Eastman & Flowers
"Keeping Kids Motivated in Online Learning" https://drlizangoff.com/2020/09/12/motivation-online/ Methods to address lack of motivation for on-line learning.
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
BUGC Breakfast & Lunch Menu for 9/21-9/25
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
Lunch Menu for 9/21-9/25
Breakfast Menu for 9/21-9/25
Breakfast & Lunch Menu for 9/14-9/18.
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
BUGC Lunch Menu for 9/14-9/18
BUGC Breakfast Menu for 9/14-9/18
Please watch the video released on Friday, Sept. 11th about attendance. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MOA4S3PBdW0p_KlknUJ0HtGAkPwLIuJ_/view?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
Picture Day: September 15 for M-Z in person September 16 for A-L in person Remote Learners at Image Group ~ September 28, 3-6 p.m.
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
Image Group Photography Order Form
Uplifted Care is having a Virtual Grief Camp. Saturday, September 26, 2020. 9-11 a.m. via Zoom. Call Uplifted Care today to register at 815-939-4141.
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
Uplifted Care Virtual Grief Family Camp
Hello Parents, please find attached the BUGC attendance calendar for the remainder of the month.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
BUGC Attendance Calendar
Hello BUGC Parents, We have learned that there are complications with Zoom. This issue is not one that our IT Department can fix rather it needs to be fixed by Zoom. Please bear with us as we communicate with the company. In the mean time your child will be emailed an alternative assignment.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
Hello BUGC Parents, Please click this link for vital information about next week at BUGC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPkBA6aXR_E
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
If your student is fully remote please disregard the bus information that you received.
over 4 years ago, Bourbonnais Upper Grade
The following players made the BUGC Baseball Team. Practice Wednesday-Friday from 8-10am. Both levels doubleheader Saturday 8/15 at 10am. Schedules, contracts, rules, and Covid information will be handed out at our parent meeting. Please have at least 1 parent/guardian at this meeting, masks will be required. Thank you for all the hard work. Parent Meeting Thursday 8/13 at 10:15am (after practice) JV 2 3 4 20 21 22 27 28 32 38 39 42 Varsity 26 29 33 40 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
Thank you to all that came to the BUGC Softball try-outs. Everyone did a great job! The following student-athletes should report to BBYSL for softball practice on Friday, August 7th, 2020 @ from 4:00-6:00 pm. 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 701 702 704 706 801 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 812 814 815
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
BUGC PARENTS: Sign your child up for BUGC’s spirit club, GOLD RUSH, today! All you need to do is select a shirt and order it! The shirt will give your child school spirit and admission to all home games. Order deadline: August 16th. https://designcenter.premiumspecialties.com/bugcgoldrush/shop/home
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
All information for fall sports and tryouts are on the Upper Grade Center webpage under Athletic Information. Please be sure to read all the published information prior to tryouts.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
IESA has reversed their decision concerning elementary sports. The Upper Grade Center will have a Softball, Baseball, and Cross Country Team for the 2020 school year. Information about Tryouts will be provided over the weekend.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
Good afternoon parents! If you have already filled out the Instructional Selection for the Fall Semester - Thank you! If you have not, here is the link to get started: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfRMef6O62Xzlo3lr1i2flHVjsFVEJN_ZhNa0RgdOuKfJxtTg/viewform?usp=sf_link Have a great day! Mr. Swilley Principal
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley
Good Morning Everyone:I wanted to communicate with everyone about the recent decisions handed down about elementary sport.  Today the IESA issued the following decision:   "(We) unanimously approved to cancel the regular season and IESA state series in the sports of boys and girls golf, boys baseball, girls softball, and boys and girls cross-country for the 2020-21 school year. There are no plans to try and re-schedule the activities or conduct them later in the school year in part due to if and when high schools in Illinois play their contests. Girls softball practice was scheduled to start July 27. The baseball and cross-country seasons were scheduled to start August 3. The Board delayed any decision on girls basketball. The first day of girls basketball practice is scheduled for August 31. The Board will meet again in late August to make a decision regarding girls basketball." The Upper Grade Center is truly sorry that students and coaches have to miss out on these athletic experiences.  We will continue to follow IESA and keep you posted on future IESA announcements.  Thank you for your patience and support! Mr. Swilley   &   Mrs. Longtin Principal            Associate Principal/AD
over 4 years ago, Shannon Swilley