Attention local businesses: Join us for lunch on January 25th at BUGC to hear how we can promote your business.
Please RSVP to burtonar@besd53.org by January 20th.
We look forward to seeing you there!

BUGC - Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Soucy’s classes have a battle of the minds as they play a Plate Tectonic game to finish their Plate Motion Unit.

Mrs. Austiff’s students raised money for the BUGC student council Giving Tree in order to give back to children in need. Emma and Quinn are proud to display the gifts and show off their door decorating skills. Thank you for your hard work making our door festive!

BUGC Lunch Menu 1/4-1/6

Congratulations to our Cheer team for their performances this weekend! They placed 2nd at the Lincoln Way East North Pole Invitational and 1st place at the BBCHS Cheer competition.
Go Tigers!

BUGC Lunch Menu 12/12-12/16

BUGC Spirit Wear Week December 12-16


We wanted to recognize our 2022 Speech Team. Last Saturday, November 5th, the BUGC Speech Team performed in Crescent City at the IESA State Speech Contest along with 10 other schools. There were 9 students who performed, and each group, duet, and solo received a 1 rating, which is the highest of the 3 ratings you can receive in speech. I was so proud of each of them.
Once the day is done, each judge picks their top choice for each category- solo, duet acting, improv, group acting etc. One of our duet groups was chosen as a Judge's Choice for Duet Acting of the day. The group that received this honor were 7th grade students Alyssa Pfeiffer and Vivian Miletich. This was each girl's first time participating in speech team. To receive this honor is a big deal, but to receive this in their first year participating is an even bigger deal. Both girls worked extremely hard, and I am so proud of them and wanted to recognize them for their hard work, dedication, and talent. They will be receiving a certificate from IESA soon.

BUGC Lunch Menu 11/28-12/2

ATTENTION 8th GRADE PARENTS! Baby Ads are due on Friday, November, 18.

New Gold Rush Gear!
Hoodie and Long Sleeve option have been added.
Orders due 11/20 with pick up at BUGC.

Mrs. Eastman’s 8th graders just finished reading “Flowers for Algernon”; a story about the benfits and deficits of risk-taking. They lost a beloved character, so they decided to make flowers for Algernon.

BUGC Lunch Menu 11/7-11/11

Mrs. Haug’s 8th graders learned s’more about story structure and sequencing by piecing together sentences and paragraphs in groups. Each group had to wander around the campsite to different park rangers who held clues and pieces they needed to complete their task. A delicious campfire treat was their reward!

Thank you for supporting our book fair! Sunday is the last day to purchase books with the ONLINE option. Here is the link to our homepage:

BUGC Student Council attended the Fall Leadership Workshop at St. Mary’s Catholic School in Pontiac, IL on Oct. 29. Students rotated through 4 leadership stations practicing leadership skills.
This year’s theme is Write Your Leadership Story. Fill the pages of leadership.

BUGC 8th grade students in Mrs. Brownfield and Mr. March’s classes zoomed through Newton’s Laws of Motion by creating and racing balloon-powered cars! Gold and Black Teams competed for a donut party!!

BUGC teachers love dressing up for Red Ribbon Week!!

BUGC students totally rocked Red Ribbon Week!! This was the most participation we’ve had in a long time, and the week was full of so much fun!